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SAP Fieldglass Practical course Aug 22
Batch 3 maximum 20 students
Available spots
Course Description
The SAP Fieldglass beginner course will provide you basic information about SAP Fieldglass, functionalities, features and practical training on how to operate the SAP Fieldglass system. After taking the SAP Fieldglass certification course you will get a good understanding of vendor management systems, contingent workforce programs, SOWs, and how to set up and operate SAP Fieldglass in daily operations. Course Contents: 1. SOW (Statement of Work) Process Flow  SOW types  SOW Characteristics  SOW Workers  Deliverables type  Buyer side activities  Supplier Side activities 2. Contingent Workforce Management Process  Deliverables type  Buyer side activities  Supplier Side activities 3. Master Data  Integration of Master data  Manual maintenance of local Master data 4. Workflow Config  Tables config  Approvers roles config  Rules config 5. Template Config  SOW Template Config  Job Posting Template Config  Master/Child SOW Template 6. Reporting Functionalities  Report Customization  Buyer side Reporting section  Supplier side Reporting section 7. Integration with ERP/Ariba  Transactional data Integration  Ariba side config  Fieldglass side config 8. Connectors & Integration Suite  Upload, Download Connectors  Difference between CI9 and CIG  CIG Concepts  Master data Integration  Transactional data Integration
Cancellation Policy
We will not be able to refund you for the Courses once confirmed and paid. However, we can help you move to the next available batch without additional charges.
Contact Details